Monday, December 8, 2014

Pregnancy Week 28: Welcome to the Third Trimester!

First, an update on the cat situation: Baby is doing okay for now! It wasn't his liver :D They still aren't sure what the issue is, but it's better news than I expected. Plus, he ate a whole can of food the last day I was home.

Now for baby updates! We are now officially in the third trimester. Baby girl is approximately 16 inches long (which is apparently the size of a head of cauliflower) and weighs around 2.5 pounds. She now blinks, coughs, hiccups, and practices breathing. She also apparently experiences REM sleep now, so she may even dream :)

Here are some progress pictures followed up with some baby drama. Look at that bump!
8 Weeks

28 Weeks

As you may or may not recall, two weeks ago I had some bleeding. I also had some braxton hicks contractions (about three per hour for two hours), but they stopped so I did not go to the ER per the OB triage nurse's guidance.

Today, I mentioned all this at my prenatal appointment just to make sure there aren't any lingering issues. My doctor decided to do an exam to see if my cervix is still hard and closed.

The visual exam revealed my cervix had in fact opened. He also reaffirmed that I have a friable cervix. It either has gotten significantly more friable or the first doctor to mention it did not indicate just how much so. As this doctor put it, he would not be surprised if I experienced bleeding every day just because of how friable it is.

Anyway, he then performed a physical exam and found my cervix cannot be penetrated, so the inner portion you can't see with the naked eye is still closed. He ordered a fetal Fibronectin (fFN) test. fFn is a protein that shouldn't be detectable until your body is prepping for birth. If the test comes back negative, then I can keep on keeping on. If it comes back positive, they want to set up a birth plan for me as it's an indicator that the baby may arrive preterm.

I also had my glucose tolerance test today, which was not nearly as awful as people make it out to be. It actually wasn't that big of a deal at all. I should have the results of both tests tomorrow.

Update: I got both the fFN test and my glucose tolerance test back today. fFN is negative and I passed the glucose tolerance test with flying colors! We are in the clear, wooooo!

Baby Moon

Josh and I went back home for Thanksgiving and we also went to a Bed and Breakfast for a baby moon. It was seriously the best mini-vacation. We went Tuesday-Thursday so no one else was there. There was a common area with a fire place and TV, but since we had one of the fancier rooms we had our own fire place, TV, and Jacuzzi tub.


We went to see two plays at the playhouse Josh and I went to on our first date in college. It is a recreation of Shakespeare's indoor theatre, meaning the audience and the stage share light and it is candles in chandeliers. We went to dinner between the plays at a fancy Italian restaurant (because this baby is going to be a tomato). We also had a couple's massage (mine was a prenatal massage). It was pretty much awesome.  

We are registered at Babies "R" Us (#54941451) and Burlington Baby Depot (#34080180). They can be found by searching for either my or Josh's name.

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