Monday, November 24, 2014

Pregnancy Week 26: Baby Bump Alert

Ladies and gentlemen, we have lift off! There is a bump! Look at it! Behold its roundness and bump-like qualities (I am super excited about this bump in case you cannot tell). It looks round in clothes and I actually appear to have a baby rather than a burrito in my belly :D
8 Weeks

26 Weeks

As you can see, I am slowly losing my belly button (top half is still there, bottom half has vanished into the bump). I mentioned it to my dad, and he began weaving a tale of loss and woe of my dear great friend, belly button. Pregnancy is weird.

Here is the bump in clothes! I'm not sure why, but the bump looks way bigger in clothes than in my sports bra and yoga pants. These pictures were taken minutes apart.

This week baby girl is the size of en eggplant and weighs about 2 lbs. One app says she is 9.2 inches, another says 13.6 inches. She can open her eyes and she hears what is going on outside of the womb (she's been able to hear me for awhile now, but now she responds to loud noises). Hubs and I went to see Mocking Jay Part I and she definitely reacted to sudden changes in volume.

Baby girl is super active these days (still mostly at night) and you can easily see her movements on the outside. My cat loves to wrap across my belly, but she doesn't seem to notice the numerous kicks.

Hubs gets to feel her move all the time. He gets kind of sad now though as the time for him to leave draws nearer. Truth be told, it makes me sad too :( We're trying to make the most of our time though. We bought some baby books and we are going to record his voice for some and I'll make videos of others to play for baby girl so she can recognize her daddy's face and voice. If anyone has any other ideas on things we can do of this nature for daddy-baby bonding from afar, I'm all ears. 

I had a small scare yesterday evening when I noticed I was bleeding. It wasn't heavy, but bleeding of any kind is not something I want to see during pregnancy. I called my OB nurse hotline and they told me to lay down and monitor the situation. Thankfully, the bleeding stopped rather quickly and I had no other concerning symptoms. I know I have a friable cervix, meaning it is easily aggravated and more prone to bleeding, so the nurse thinks maybe the baby caused some irritation during one of her more vigorous tumbles around the womb. Anyone else experience this kind of issue this late in their pregnancy? Everything is fine now and she's kicking as I type this post :)

Also, I've gotten a lot of input on the registry. What I am looking for now is input on things I have NOT registered for that other veteran moms think I should have and why. Thanks! 

We are registered at Babies "R" Us (#54941451) and Burlington Baby Depot (#34080180). They can be found by searching for either my or Josh's name.

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