Monday, November 3, 2014

My Pregnancy Workouts

I thought about including this in the last post, but I figured if someone was looking for just pregnancy workouts, they wouldn't want to read through all my body image whinging first. Here is a look at my workouts from last week.

Keep in mind, everyone's fitness level prior to pregnancy is different. Just because I can do these workouts does not mean all pregnant women can or that I'll even be able to do them a week from now. I talk with my doctor about all of these exercises at each appointment (every 4 weeks). However, my confidence in their understanding of my workout regimen is not incredibly high.

That being said, here are some rules I always follow:

  1. If it starts to hurt or feel uncomfortable, stop.
  2. Always be sure to breathe. I never hold my breath while lifting any weight and I make sure I can talk (not gasping, actual talking) while doing cardio.
  3. No crunches or twisting core exercises (like Russian twists)
  4. I do not lie flat on my back anymore. This is more due to discomfort reasons; however, many doctors suggest not working out on your back after 20 weeks (or earlier depending) so as not to put pressure on some major vein (don't remember the name). This vein supplies oxygen to your baby (I think, it does something important anyway).

There are some other rules I follow buuuuut I don't recall them at the moment. They've become so ingrained at this point I don't have to think about them.



Part I: 

12 minute HIIT workout video (with burpee/lunge cardio component). I'll explain any modifications I did below.

Either follow the video above (it is done in real time) or set your interval timer to 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest. After each exercise below, you perform a cardio component. This involves burpees (no push up) with one lunge (alternating lunges after each burpee). I can still do burpees without losing form or hurting myself. However, I slow them way down. I also start to step my legs out when I get tired.

1. 1 Leg Spider Push-ups ( L&R Alternate)

For the first move, I do not do the push up elevated and I keep both feet planted on the floor. This way, I remove the chance of losing my balance and falling.

2. Squat & Side Out ( L&R Alternate)

For the squat down/side kick, I held a 20 pound dumbell at chest level since I don't have a T-Bar.

3. Side Jump, Push & Knee Tuck ( L&R Alternate)

Again, I do these slow and I step out instead of jump out when I need to.

4. Push Up Jack & Shoulder Tap ( L&R Alternate Shoulder)

I did the first few as jacks, but I was concerned about balance so I switch to just push ups with shoulder taps.

5. Clean & Press & 2 x Shoulder Press

Again, I just used a 20lb dumbbell in place of the T-bar here. Prior to pregnancy I would use waaaay more weight; however, as the pregnancy has progressed, the amount of weight I lift (particularly over my head) has diminished quite a bit. I pay very careful attention to form, and I do not hold my breath at any point.

6. Touch Touch, Punch Punch, 1 Push-up Plank

Her form gets really crappy the more tired she gets. This one does not require any modifications for me (yet, haha). Again, form is key.

Planks, burpees, and push ups are pretty much the only core work I get these days since traditional crunches and twisting motions (like Russian twists) got the nix awhile back. I'm sure my expanding belly will determine how long I can continue doing planks.

Part II
2 mile run

Part I: Weight training video

1. Bicep in & Out  10
2. Tricep kick backs 10

3. Bent Over Row 10
4. Chest Press 10 (I do push ups since I can't workout on my back)

5. Shoulder Press 10
6. Bent Shoulder Flys  10

7. Squats & Press – 10 Total
8. Lunge – 10 Total

Part II:
This one requires two sets of dumbbells. Your max (my preggo max is 20 lb DBs), and then a lighter weight you can immediately repeat the exercises with without needing to stop (for me, this is 10 lb DBs). I actually require three unique sets as my triceps cannot kickback as much as my biceps can curl. So I use 20s, 10s, and 8s.

8 Curls (20lb DBs)
8 dips (bodyweight)
8 hammer curls (20 lb DBs)
8 tricep kick backs (10 lb DBs)
8 Curls (10lb DBs)
8 dips (bodyweight)
8 hammer curls  (10lb DBs)
8 tricep kick backs (8lb DBs)

Shake it out

6 Curls (20lb DBs)
6 dips (bodyweight)
6 hammer curls (20 lb DBs)
6 tricep kick backs (10 lb DBs)
6 Curls (10lb DBs)
6 dips (bodyweight)
6 hammer curls  (10lb DBs)
6 tricep kick backs (8lb DBs)

Shake it out

4 Curls (20lb DBs)
4 dips (bodyweight)
4 hammer curls (20 lb DBs)
4 tricep kick backs (10 lb DBs)
4 Curls (10lb DBs)
4 dips (bodyweight)
4 hammer curls  (10lb DBs)
4 tricep kick backs (8lb DBs)

Part III
10 minute jog

Part I:
#9 I do standing ski ab hops P90X style, not on the ground like you see in Insanity. #12 I swap out with bird dogs, #16 becomes high-low planks, and #20 I do plank punches instead. Basically, if it calls for a crunch, I do some kind of plank variant instead since my doctor says those are still fine.

Part II 
2 mile run

Part I:
This is similar to Tuesday's workout but with a focus on shoulders and back. I included what weights I used. This one, I don't decrease the weight for all the moves since 20 lbs is kind of a joke for one arm DB rows. I used to use heavier weights, but I've been advised to not use more than my 20 lb DBs.

8 push ups
8 military press (20lb DBs)
8 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)
8 in and out raises (10 lb DBs)
8 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)
8 military press (10lb DBs)
8 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)
8 in and out raises (8 lb DBs)
8 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)

Shake it out

6 push ups
6 military press (20lb DBs)
6 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)
6 in and out raises (10 lb DBs)
6 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)
6 military press (10lb DBs)
6 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)
6 in and out raises (8 lb DBs)
6 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)

Shake it out

4 push ups
4 military press (20lb DBs)
4 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)
4 in and out raises (10 lb DBs)
4 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)
4 military press (10lb DBs)
4 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)
4 in and out raises (8 lb DBs)
4 one arm DB row (L and R so 16 total, 20lb DB)

Part II
16 push ups
16 alternating runners lunge with push ups
16 bird dogs
16 elbow plank punches
16 reverse lunge with reach
16 good mornings
16 side lunges
16 elbow plank + alternating reach toward the ceiling
16 burpees (no push up)

Part III
10 minute jog

2 mile run
5 minute stretch (and potty break because my preggo bladder is the size of a dime)
2 mile run


This may seem way too intense to some people (or way too easy to others), but again this is based on my fitness level prior to getting pregnant. All of these workouts take me about 30-35 minutes , which is a much shorter duration than my workouts used to be (45-60 minutes). My intensity level is significantly lower than it used to be as well (i.e. 10 minute mile pace vs. sub-8 minute mile pace, reduction in dumbbell weight, etc).

For those of you mommas and momma-to-be's who also did crossfit prior to pregnancy, I found out about this great site from my husband: It has excellent suggestions for how to modify certain exercises.

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