Thursday, February 23, 2017

Pregnancy Week 31: Another L&D Visit, Nursery Mobile DIY, and How to Fix Scuffed Heels

Here are my 31-week comparison pictures. This pregnancy is on the left; my pregnancy with E is on the right.

I'm looking way smaller with this baby for this week than I did with E. I think it's because this baby dropped to -2 station so early, so she's much farther down. I'll be interested to see what tomorrow's comparison pictures look like for 32 weeks!

It's been another eventful week, hooray. Hubs got home on Friday and we enjoyed a nice, relaxed weekend. He is still struggling with jetlag, but it's getting better day-by-day. Then Monday happened. Mondays are the worst, and this proves it. My stomach started to bother me Monday evening. At first, I thought maybe it was just gas. Then it became a full blown stomach ache. I threw up for the first time around 2300. It all nose-dived from there. I will spare you the details. Stomach bugs are gross.

I had an OB appointment at 0930 the next day, so I figured I could wait until then. I attempted to start my day at 0740. By 0840, I had managed to put on clean clothes and put my hair in a bun. I couldn't stand for more than 30 seconds at a time without feeling dizzy and nauseous. Hubs texted me to check in on me and I sent out an SOS, so he came home to help me get E ready and take me to my appointment.

My OB was originally going to let me go home and try to rehydrate on my own, but then she listened to baby girl and checked my stats. My BP was 90/64, my ketones were off the charts, and baby girl's heart rate was way too high. She called ahead to L&D and I waddled on down the hall. After three attempts at placing an IV, the nurse called in someone else. IVs are the worst. Once I got some anti-nausea medication in me, I felt significantly better.

When I first arrived, I was contracting every three minutes. This didn't surprise me since I was severely dehydrated. Baby girl's heart rate was oscillating between 180-200, which made me nervous. After two bags of fluids, the contractions had slowed to every 8-9 minutes and baby girl's heart rate decreased to 160-165. She is normally 145-155, so that was much closer to her norm. They let me go home and I started feeling much better the next day. Today, I feel completely normal and can eat regular food again.

DIY Floral Nursery Mobile

A friend posted her plans to make a DIY mobile for her nursery, and it inspired me to make my own. I can't seem to find purple decor for baby girl's room, so I'm just going to make my own. I went to JoAnn's and bought a foam wreath, two types of ribbon for wrapping and hanging (thick purple ribbon and thin white ribbon, various purple blooms, and a spray of pearls. I already had small push pins with pearl beads on the end to pin things in place. I also used my glue gun to attach the spray of pearls for hanging the mobile. I couldn't find my glue sticks, but my neighbor had some :)

I wrapped the white foam wreath in purple ribbon and secured it in place with two pins. Then I arranged and pinned the flowers one bloom type at a time to make sure I spaced them evenly. Then I hot glued the very last pearl on each strand around the outer rim of the mobile. This way, I could hide the glue globs behind the flowers. The last thing I did was wrap the stem of the spray of pearls with white ribbon and pin it in place. The stem was pink and competing with the purple too much for my liking.

Supplies minus the thin white ribbon.

Finished product!

Hanging over the crib. 
This was a lot of fun and now I'm in a pinteresty/crafty mood. I'll post any other creations I make as the pregnancy progresses :)

DIY Scuffed High Heel Repair

I have a pair of nude suede heels that I love. Unfortunately, the heel portion of the shoe became too scuffed to wear. I didn't want to throw out the shoes because I was pretty sure I had a pinterest craft lurking in the archives somewhere. With spring around the corner, I finally got the gumption to do something about it.

All it took was some mod podge glue, some extra fine glitter, and a sponge to apply the mixture. I mixed the glitter and glue, then applied it in a thick and even layer. I let it dry and repeated the process once more. It worked great and only cost me $4. Much cheaper than replacing the shoes :)

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