Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Pregnancy Week 28: Third Trimester + Life Insanity

The week leading up to the third trimester was hell bent on dumping as much nonsense on us as possible. It started with hubs' credit card getting compromised right before he had to leave for a week long business trip. The CC company obviously would not be able to get him a new one in time, so that was fun.

The day after he left, it snowed half a foot. I had to shovel out our driveway so I would be able to leave for my chiropractor appointments later in the week. This did not do any favors for my back, which the chiropractor noticed right away, haha. I've been having stomach troubles as well. This forces me into the bathroom for extended periods of time.

During one of these bathroom trips, E obtained a marker and colored three walls, a door, the floor, the fridge, a book, herself, her clothes, and some of my socks. At some point while I was in the bathroom or cleaning the marker, the cat took it upon herself to crap at the bottom of the stairs. E decided to help by rolling my yoga ball down the stairs and using it to hide the evidence. So I got to clean that up as well. I also managed to cut up my ankle. Thank goodness for my friend Tracy. We had set up a visit for that day, so I got to vent/interact with another adult. We also got oreo McFlurries, which always make life better.

Hubs was due home late Friday evening. On my way home from my chiropractor visit, I stopped at TJ Maxx to looks for nursery storage. When I went to leave, I saw I had a flat tire. I called roadside assist at 11:20. They told me it would be about 45 minutes. They got to me 90 minutes later. Then it was another hour at the tire place just to be told they could not fix my flat nor did they have the type of tire I needed. I finally got home at 14:10 with a hungry, grumpy, sleepy toddler.

The next day (my birthday, woo!), hubs and I went with E to where I originally got the tire. They said they could repair it and that it would be about 30 minutes. After an hour, they told us it would be another 15 minutes. Oh, and my battery was completely dead. Oh really? Completely dead? THEN HOW DID I DRIVE IT HERE? On magic battery fairy farts? We got a new battery since the print out did show it was very low. So our half hour tire repair turned into a 90-minute tire repair and battery replacement.

I try to remind myself that things can always be worse, but that was my limit for bullshittery. Here are my 28-week pictures :). E on the left; this pregnancy on the right.

Nesting Update

Holy urge to nest, Batman! I don't know why the urge to nest is kicking in so much earlier with this pregnancy. I feel restless and antsy not having the nursery ready or even close to ready. Some aspects I can't rush, like the crib. E is now using it as a toddler bed. Soon, we will take off the rail. Then we will move her to the big bed and hubs and I will be able to get the crib set up in the nursery. 

However, there are plenty of things I can do. I got E's toys moved out of the nursery and down into the basement. I also rearranged some of the furniture to accommodate my office desk, so that is out of the nursery now as well. Not having a dresser is also bothering me. I'm going to look at some tomorrow. They'll need some refinishing/painting, but hubs is on board with some DIYing. 

Normally, I would do that kind of project myself, but pregnancy dictates otherwise this time around. Once we have the dresser situation taken care of, I can get E's baby clothes out of storage and put them away. Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do with all my shoes in the nursery closet, hahaha. The master bedroom closet is kind of a joke. I may just leave the shoes in the nursery. I didn't start needing closet space for E until she was a toddler. Once this baby is that age, we will be moving again anyway. 

I've also been cleaning up clutter. I went through our mail holder, hubs' random stuff basket (holds his wallet, keys, glasses, etc), and our junk drawers. We have three, hahaha. I could probably consolidate it to two now that I've cleared them out. I just don't feel like it since I don't need the drawers for other stuff. I also organized the master bathroom vanity drawers. I still have a little work to do in there, but everything is much more organized. I also hid my bedside table stack of books in a decorative box. It has a hollow under the drawer, so it looks much neater now. My next clutter area to tackle is on top of the fridge. 

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