Monday, January 23, 2017

Pregnancy Weeks 26 + 27: Chiropractor and Ultrasound Pictures

I can't believe I am almost into the third trimester. I feel like this pregnancy is flying by. I also have an intense urge to get the nursery set up, but I have to wait until E is fully transitioned into her big girl bed. We recently took the front off of her crib and attached the toddler bed rail.

She's rolled out a couple of time, but she puts herself right back into bed. She mostly enjoys the freedom. Soon, we will take off the rail and let her get used to the bed with a completely open side. Then, we are going to switch her to a regular big girl bed. She talks about her "big gull bet" at the time, so hopefully it will be a smooth transition.

Belly Updates

I feel like my 26-week belly comparisons were about the same. However, I look smaller in my 27-week comparison photo. I actually think my 27-week belly looks smaller than my 26-week belly with this pregnancy. Maybe baby girl changed position? 

I started seeing a chiropractor since my back pain has gotten out of control. Sneezing or coughing takes me down to my knees from the sudden sharp pain. The chiropractor said my left SI joint is absurdly inflamed, so that explains that. I am really hopeful that he can help me reduce or get rid of this pain.

Baby Update

I had another ultrasound at 26+3 because my midwife was concerned about the excessive contractions I am having. She got to see them in person and wanted to check to make sure they weren't doing too much to my cervix. She said my cervix is shorter than when they saw me around 20 weeks, but it is still a good length. She wants me to come back next week (two weeks from the ultrasound) to check again. 

To try and reduce the frequency of the BH contractions, she has asked me to not vacuum or grocery shop. I am also supposed to limit how much I pick up E. Transitioning her to a toddler bed has helped in that regard since I don't have to pick her up to put her in bed. She also recommended trying magnesium phosphate to reduce the BH contractions for my own comfort. They don't hurt, they're just annoying. 

The ultrasound tech snagged some great photos for me. Baby girl is still very much a girl. The tech grabbed a 3D image for me as well. I'm not sure why she did it, but I'm not complaining :) I got to see my baby's sweet little face. I know the 3D ultrasounds freak out some people, but I love it. I was 26+3 when I went in and baby girl measured spot on at 26+3. She weighed 2.2 pounds. 

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