Sunday, November 20, 2016

Pregnancy Week 18: Shoulder Surgery Update and Braxton Hicks

Josh's shoulder is healing well, but we got some unpleasant news. The paperwork he went home with said he would be in the sling for two weeks. When he went in for a follow-up appointment, the surgeon informed him he will be in the sling for six weeks. Boo. He can, however, start physical therapy right away.

I started experiencing Braxton hicks contractions in the last week. I didn't start getting them with E until I was about 21/22 weeks, so I wasn't really expecting them this early. I'm also still sick :( My cold turned into a sinus infection. I'm finally almost over it. Today is the first day I could shake my head without feeling sinus pain/pressure. I still feel it if I walk too quickly from the impact of my feet on the ground, though.

Here are my comparison pictures of 18 weeks from my pregnancy with E (on the left) and this pregnancy (on the right):

It may not be super obvious, but I'm starting to bow outward a little bit.

We go in tomorrow for the anatomy ultrasound. I am super excited to see baby girl. I haven't had an ultrasound since seven weeks or so.

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