Sunday, November 13, 2016

Pregnancy Week 17: Illness and Shoulder Surgery

This last week has been a little rough on everybody, the last few days in particular. I started getting a cold in the early hours of Monday morning and it is still kicking around a week later. I am feeling much better (no more sore throat), but I still have a lovely combo of runny nose/chest congestion. I also still have a phlegmy cough (lovely visual, I know). Hopefully, I am on the tail end of this illness. I think it's been sticking around for so long because I can't take many medications while pregnant and I'm not getting quality sleep.

I'm still not looking very pregnant. My comparison pictures from my last pregnancy are super blurry since I had to take them with my iPad. I think I look smaller this time around, though. Some pregnancy stats: baby girl #2 weighs about 5 ounces and is about 5 inches long. She is roughly the size of a pear. She is developing fingerprints and her ears are almost fully formed. This means she is starting to be able to hear me when I talk. I've felt her move a couple of times, but they were just flutters. No major kicks or pokes yet!

I have hit that point in pregnancy where I wake up with a flat stomach and go to bed with a bump. I also look different in my clothes regardless of the time of day.

WARNING: PICTURE OF STITCHES TO FOLLOW. They aren't gruesome or anything, but I know some people are made squeamish by stitches and such.

Hubs had shoulder surgery on Thursday for a torn labrum. Prior to surgery, we were told it is called a SLAP 2 tear. It is the most common of the SLAP tears. However, once the surgeon got in there it was worse than he anticipated. After surgery, the surgeon told hubs, "I have no idea how you were doing anything with that shoulder." The incisions were a lot smaller than I expected. The surgeon wrote the word "Yes" along with the smiley face. Apparently, it was so the surgeon and his team would know for sure that they were working on the correct shoulder. These pictures are from right after we removed the bandages (48 hours after surgery).

Our daughter does not understand at all that she cannot climb all over daddy, so I spend most of her awake time keeping her off hubs. He will be in a sling for two weeks and the total recovery time is 4-6 weeks for normal usage and 12 weeks before he can begin doing pull ups and exercises of that nature. His pain is much less than I expected, which is great. It hurts him a lot if it gets jostled, but resting pain is minimal.

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