Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Pregnancy Week 21: Over Half Way!

This pregnancy is flying by compared to E's. My pregnancy with E didn't crawl by or anything, but having a toddler certainly makes the days go by quickly. The comparison pictures for this week are a little deceiving. At 21 weeks with E, my belly started to poke out a tiny bit. Then the next day at 21+1, it vanished. It was very odd.

It's been an eventful couple of weeks. My mom flew out to help us after the accident since I wasn't allowed to pick up E. Then we did our Christmas before we start visiting family for the holidays. We got E a few things, but her favorite gift by far was her new light up shoes.

My mother in law got her a pink kid's coupe. It was a bear to put together, but she loves it. She does not, however, understand how to get into it. She constantly tries to get in through the back window or side window. There is a perfectly accessible swinging door on the one side, but why do things the easy way? This is what the car looks like.

Hubs got me a Roomba! I am super excited about it. The floors in this house show every little spec of dust. We can both sweep multiple times per day, but it will still look dirty. It's going to be so nice to not have to sweep all the time.

I had another ultrasound today since the first one was incomplete. The tech was able to see everything she needed to and baby girl is looking great :) She weighs one pound and is measuring almost spot on. According to my LMP, I am 21+4 today. Based on charting, I am 21+2. The ultrasound puts baby girl at 21+3. Right on the money!

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