Monday, January 4, 2016

10 Months Old: Baby's First Christmas, Baptism, and Walking

It is official. E is walking. She can clear a room at a run before atomic butt plopping (as my dad calls it). We took off her helmet for Christmas day. I figured one day out of the months she will have to wear it is not going to ruin everything ever.

E had so many Christmases: one with hubs and me, one with my dad's side of the family, one with my parents, one with my mom's side of the family, one with family friends, and one with hubs' family. In total, we shipped 68 lbs of gifts back home. E is not a spoiled baby at all, nope.

Here is her 10-month side by side comparison. As you can see, she is super not cooperative anymore when it comes to lying flat on her back.

Here is my favorite outtake.

She had a blast at all her various Christmases. Here are some of her outfits.

Reading books with daddy.

Santa baby!

Christmas baby with her GG!
She had another pretty green dress, but she didn't want to stay in any of the dresses for long (they impeded her crawling). Someone else got a picture of her in it though, so I'm sure I'll see it eventually.

Here is Christmas day!

E loves baby dolls.

E also had her first taste of chocolate at a family friend's Christmas party.

E's great aunt Bonnie knitted her a Santa hat. Super cute.

Baby selfie.
Hubs and I got quite a few gifts ourselves. I think this is one of my favorites. My mom ordered it for me from China.

After Christmas, E was baptized in the chapel off of the church where hubs and I got married. She had the sweetest baptismal gown the hubs' mom bought.

She fell asleep shortly before the baptism and woke up briefly to frown at us for letting someone pour water on her head. She promptly went back to sleep.

Hubs and I got to go out on a baby-free date (thanks mom and dad!), which was awesome. We also went out for New Year's with hubs' brothers and their wives. We went to a winery where there was a photo booth, a food truck, and dancing. Here is one of the photobooth strips.

Unfortunately, I awoke the next morning to a severe sore throat and a fever. The fever broke that day, but the sore throat persists. I went to the doctor yesterday and apparently I have the flu. Oh yay. Otherwise, I've had a very pleasant holiday :)

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