Saturday, April 25, 2015

Two Months Old

Baby E is two months old! Time is flying by and she is getting so big. I wish I could make her slow down :( On the 21st she weighed 10 lbs 14 oz. What. A. Chunk.

That is almost 4 pounds heavier than her birth weight. She's also almost grown out of her Moses basket and she doesn't fit in any of her newborn clothes anymore :( She's wearing size 0-3 months or just 3 months depending on the brand.

Nona is still super jealous of baby girl, but she doesn't seem to be as terrified of her. In pictures it looks like Nona is giving baby girl some snuggles, but I know better. Nona just can't stand not having attention so she got over her fear and is trying to get pets when she can (usually when I'm holding baby girl, how inconvenient haha).

I don't really have anything new to report since last week other than baby girl's progress pictures. Here is her two month photo :) Look how much she's grown! Chubby baby cheeks :D

Here is another side by side:

Bonus picture. Once again, baby E didn't feel like taking picture time seriously. Ninja kick!

She also needed a wardrobe change. Naturally, due to the fact that she was wearing white pants and a brand new dress from her Great Aunt, she felt the need to have a massive diaper blow out.

I would have had these posted on time (say whaaaaaat?) except our internet crapped out yesterday around two in the afternoon and didn't get fixed until after 5:00AM. Thankfully it was a decent weather day so baby girl and I could go on walks.

I'm pretty baby girl has an upper lip tie  :/ It would explain her latch issues at birth and some of the other less than favorable nursing habits (popping off randomly, sucking air, gassy baby, not flaring her upper lip, etc). Here is a picture of it. It's kind of blurry, but baby girl really did not care much for my attempts to lift her upper lip to snag a picture.

I'm going to talk to her doctor about it at her two month well baby check up to see what our options are. I know it can be clipped, but I've also heard the upper lip tie bleeds like crazy and I don't want to put her through an unnecessary procedure if we aren't going to get that many benefits out of it.

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