Friday, May 24, 2013

Abdominal Circuit

So this isn't really a full workout, it's meant to be in addition to another workout. I like to put together circuits so I can mix them to keep workouts interesting.

Here's a brief explanation of the moves. Sit ups everyone knows. For oblique v ups, you lie on your side and bend slightly at the waist to create a 30 degree angle. If you are on your left side, lay your left arm on the floor and put your right hand behind your head. Making sure to keep your legs straight, lift your legs off the ground and bring your torso toward your legs. Once you begin, try to keep your shoulder and feet off the ground. If you can't that's fine, just work towards it.

V sits require you to sit with your knees bent into your chest making sure your feet are off the floor. You can either keep your hands behind your head or extend them out in front of you. Then you will lean back and extend your legs straight out. Pull your legs back into your chest; this is one rep.

Alternate heel touchers require you to lay on your back and bend your knees. With your feet firmly planted you will raise your shoulders off the ground like you are doing a crunch. Then you crunch to the left and touch your heel. Staying up in the crunch position, you reach over to the other side and touch that heel. Each touch is one rep.

Most also know bicycles and scissor kicks.

Pulse ups require you to lie flat on your back with your legs straight in the air. Keeping your hands by your side, thrust your feet into the air, taking care to keep them as straight as possible. Do not thrust them over your head, try to make sure your feet never cross over your belly button.

Russian twists are also pretty standard as are planks. If there are any moves here that I did not explain or you would like a better explanation, has tons of pictures and explanations.

That brief explanation was not so brief haha.

Workout cross-posted  to

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